The Shaare Rahamim Haggada

Chapter 13: Eating on Erev Pesah

Eating on Erev Pesah

  • On erev Pesah one is not permitted to eat matzah or cakes made from matzah meal. The reason we do not eat matzah on erev Pesah is so that we should look forward to eating matzah at the Seder and fulfill the mitzvah of matzah with the proper attitude. 
  • Egg matzah and fried or cooked matzah meal is permitted.
  • From the tenth hour of the day, egg matzah and fried or cooked matzah meal should not be eaten so as to make sure that one’s appetite will not be spoiled. 
  • Fruits, vegetables, fish and meat may be eaten in moderation. 
  • Children who understand the story of Yetziat Mitzrayim should also not eat matzah on erev Pesah.