Obesity: A Deceptively Complex Subject

Weight-loss and obesity is a deceptively complex subject. It is not just the “what and how of it” that we must learn, but the “why of it”.  In other words, it is not just a physical problem, but also a metaphysical problem. Most people already know what and how to eat for health. If not, a rational person will usually agree with the facts once properly introduced to them. It is the why that can be tricky. Why  should we change our ways? Why should we deny our impulses? Why  should we behave differently than those around us who appear to be immune to what’s hurting us? Why should we choose life? It is very important to understand that we must each find the why that personally empowers us.

Too often, an individual begins their journey with great enthusiasm, believing that this excitement will last forever and that they will never struggle again. Sooner or later enthusiasm wanes and/or the stresses of life appear; it is here that the journey really begins. Faced with temptation and other obstacles, and no longer armed with enthusiasm and willpower we begin to rationalize. Sadly, we give up when we are finally poised to succeed.

We say we are too restricted, or that it is impossible to live rationally in the “real world”. In other words, the “real world” is an irrational place and we’d like to join it. But isn’t that what we’ve already been doing? At this time, what and how are meaningless. They do nothing to fortify our resolve. Only why can help us transcend the gravity of our weakness. Why gives us purpose and meaning. Without it, we have no reason to proceed, especially against resistance. We are restricted only by the level of our pathology and our anemic character. Blaming the food or the food-plan is spurious because these particulars can be easily changed to better suit our individual needs and experience.  What cannot be changed are the immutable laws that govern life. Reality will not conform to our ever-changing emotions.

Food addiction and obesity is very real, but can be overcome. The needed courage and vitality to accomplish this comes from knowing with certainty why. If temptation is stronger than our reason why , we will succumb. But when our purpose is stronger than our seducer, doing what’s right seems effortless.

Remember, the finite specifics can be manipulated to fit our unique scenario. However, the eternal laws of life are not ours to manipulate. Disowning reality guarantees failure, while aligning oneself with the forces of nature guarantees success. Good luck on your journey.

As a natural health consultant for over 25 years Mark Houllif has been teaching the scientific principles of health promotion. The goal is to guide the individual back to health using natural and nutritonal methods. By removing the causes of disease and establishing conditions of health we allow the body to most powerfully manifest its natural healing tendencies.