Perashat Shoftim: Foreign Worship

By Victor Bibi Shoftim

Permitted Foreign Worship

There is a verse that appears towards the beginning of our parasha that begs for an interpretation. 17:2 - This is what you must do when you discover a man or woman doing evil in the eyes of God your Lord ... That person will have violated God's covenant by going and worshiping or bowing to the sun, moon or heavenly bodies - This (being a particular idol worship) which I have not commanded...You shall pelt the man or woman to death with stones.

R. Meir Bikayim (18th century Turkey) in his מאיר לארץ points out from here - that while there is obviously idol worship that is forbidden - there is actually some specific forms of foreign worship that God has actually commanded or at least sanctioned. It behooves us to research into the nature of this sanctioned foreign worship found in the words of the Torah and rabbinic teachings.

We shall also investigate the teachings of the Zohar which describe what happened to Iyov as a result of his refusal to follow on the divine sanction for foreign worship. It is important to note the warning of R. Shimon Bar Yohai to be careful and not misinterpret the Torah teachings on this subject. Especially considering that the Torah has already warned us in Devarim 4:2 - Do not add to the word that I am commanding you and do not subtract from it.

Understanding Foreign Worship

Simply stated - The Creator has made available two pathways to drawn down שפע into the lower levels of Creation. We have the pathway of holiness as delineated thru the words of Torah and Misvot - simply stated as עבודת הקדש - Included in this עבודה is for us here below in this world to offer praise and send forth a spiritual arousal from below upwards via the Holy forces above. All to give strength תנו עז לאלהי״ם in that the holy system of the Torah will continue to send down holiness from above.

Alternatively, there exists עבודה זרה - a foreign service - whereby one is active in illegally drawing down שפע from above thru an unholy path. Included in this עבודה זרה - is for one to send forth to the unholy divine forces who rule and control this pathway -a certain degree of  holiness. They will thus be infused - giving them - an access to power. We will see that it is sometimes incumbent upon us - to transfer a bit of holiness - albeit in a strictly limited and guided manner. R. Meir Bikayim considers this the type of foreign worship that we are commanded to perform.

Giving the Negative Forces a Bit of Holiness

R. HaAri (LT Shemot) explains the concept thru the Torah narrative between Yaakov and Esav that we are to give a negative force some holiness. While Esav (Ber 25:30) asks העלעיטני - that he be given all - Yaakov agrees - but only gives him a small amount of holiness in the form of his bread and lentil soup - This teaches R. HaAri forms the rule that negativity must be given a minimal amount of holiness - in order to temper it. If nothing is given to a negative force - it will cause the latter to act like a dog who feels deprived and slighted by not having been given even a small bone at a meal.

R. HaAri teaches that we give the negative 70 forces that are representatives of the nations - the 70 פרים to be offered as korbanot during the holiday of Sukkot. Even though this appears as foreign worship. He compares this to other Torah acts that have been similarly commanded in order to give the negative forces a portion in holiness such as ניסוך המים and the sending of the שעיר לעזאזל on Yom Kippur. This conforms with the verse (25:21) If your enemy (negative force) is famished give him bread.

Iyov Refrains from Giving the Negative Forces a Portion of Holiness

The Zohar (Pikude 237) teaches that according to the commandment of the Torah we are required to give the negative forces bribes. This will ultimately temper their advances against us. Maran in his Shulkhan Arukh (OH 32:44) cites this Zohar to enjoin us to use a sinew string of a calf and wrap the tefillin parchment. This sinew should exit the tefillin shel Rosh before parashat והיה אם שמוע - All of this in the secret of the bribes for the negative forces.

The Zohar here also mentions the שעיר חטאת brought on ראש חודש that has a similar purpose. The Zohar (Tesave 181) cites what spiritually occurred as a results of the parties hosted by the children of Iyov. In his attempt to pacify the negative forces aroused as a result of the parties - he was to offer שלמים offerings - which have a spiritual propensity to dispense a portion of the holiness generated to the negative forces. Instead he erred in only offering a daily  קרבן עולה - Though this activated a Tikun above (ZA) - it offers no portion to the negative forces as does a שלמים offering (Malkhut).

He did not wish to give the Satan and his cohorts any portion in his offerings above. This caused the קליפות or negative forces to become attached to him - advancing against almost without relief. These negative forces acted upon Iyov as a dog who has not even been given a bone to chew on - at a glorious meal. The Creator thus allowed the Satan to proceed and advance against Iyov and his family as detailed in the initial chapters of Sefer Iyov.

Strict Limitations in Dispensing Holiness to Foreign Forces

It is admittedly crucial that we understand these concepts. However as per the warning of R. Shimon Ben Yohai they must be guarded. We are to exclusively follow the rulings and teachings of our Sages - when giving holiness to the negative forces. it must only be performed where and when rabbinically sanctioned. We must adhere to the words of our parasha and never dispense holiness for the benefit of foreign forces when not commanded so.