Perashat Yitro & His Advice

Advice to Subdue the Negative Forces

It is admittedly remarkable that the establishment of Israel's judiciary was initiated upon by the advice of a priest of Midyan. The worth of this proposal to establish four levels of judges with four respective types of qualifications takes on an invaluable role in the religion of Israel. Not only did the proposal meet such approval in that it was accepted by Moshe and the people immediately - but it was also recounted once again by Moshe (Devarim 1) in his farewell address to the nation.

Furthermore Shaul - the King of Israel spared the descendants of Yitro as he considered the judicial advice of their Patriarch to be (Shemuel I 15:6) a kindness to all of the Children of Israel. It behooves us to investigate the spiritual propensity of this advice; why it was instituted at that time and why it was important for the Torah to relate that the initiator Yitro was the Priest of Midyan.

Yitro Hears the Success of Israel in the Battles Against the Negative Forces

Prior to making his monumental judicial suggestions - Yitro is informed of at least (Rashi) the splitting of the sea and the war with Amalek. R. M. Alshikh and the Ohr HaHayyim both assert that additional details of the former were supplied to him by Moshe - Namely the slaying of the guardian angel of Egypt or the שר של מצרים - at the sea. R. Shrem (Aleppo 19th century) cites the Sefer אלף המגן that details how Israel was able to overcome their enemies during the war with עמלק - R. HaAri teaches that there are four negative spiritual forces - they are עון משחית אף חמה - The latter three forming the Acrostic מא״ח were active at the war with עמלק - These were subdued through the spiritual propensity of משה אהרן חור - Which the אלף המגן notes have a counter acrostic of מא״ח - Hence when forming the proper spiritual arrangement while lifting the hands of Moshe - Israel was successful in battle. Parenthetically notes R. Shrem - the acrostic also finds itself when we announce מים אחרונים חובה or מא״ח - another act performed to neutralize these forces.

The People Come to Inquire of Elokim

The Torah makes an effort to remind us that Yitro was intimately familiar with all of these negative forces. We are taught that he was כהן מדין - a spiritual mentor in a place known to make use of negative forces. After hearing of what transpired - it is only he who can rightfully claim עתה ידעתי כי גדול יהו״ה מכל האלהי״ם - God is supreme and superior to any and all forces. This is why he heard and exclaimed אשר הציל העם מתחת יד מצרים - Blessed be the Lord who has delivered this nation from the hand of (the celestial angel of) Egypt.

The next day or some say the day after Moshe descended from Sinai with the second לוחות - Yitro, being adept and in tune with the dark forces - notices something that escapes others concerning Moshe judging the people. He is compelled to offer more than just advice. He warns that Moshe and Israel must heed to what he has to say "in order that God should be with you." Afterwards he claims that this advice is invaluable for their spiritual welfare "If you agree to this and God orders you to judge - you will be able to survive - This entire nation will then be able to attain peace." Evidently Yitro noticed some sort of threat to Israel as they were (waiting to) being judged.

I would like to assert that Yitro perceived that when the people sought 18:15 - לדרוש אלהי״ם they unwittingly aroused the four negative forces of עון משחית אף חמה that pervade the world during times of judgement. Yitro was spiritually sensitive to these negative forces hence he would be the one to notice them and to provide the proper advice on how to subdue these forces.

Four Levels of Judges

R. HaAri teaches (PEH Shaar Minha - Arbit)  that with onset of evening - judgement is aroused and the four negative forces are activated. The method we use each evening to subdue them is detailed in the Siddour of the Rashash. We chant 13 words of the והוא רחום יכפר עון ולא ישחית והרבה להשיב אפו ולא יאיר כל חמתו - arousing the 13 middot of mercy to mitigate the four forces mentioned in the והוא רחום - In addition we are to sweeten the 13 letters of the expanded name of Din - אלהי״ם - or אלף למד הי יוד מם - Lastly included in the כונה is that while mentioning each of the four respective negative forces during the והוא רחום -  we arouse a corresponding assisting Angel in combat - namely - מיכאל גבריאל אוריאל רפאל - As this occurs each evening (as night is a time of Din) they also apparently make there presence at other times of judgement in Israel. Hence R Shrem asserts that Yitro suggested the following שרים - heads - אלפים מאות חמשים עשרות - the initial letters of the four classes of judges form an acrostic אמח״ע - Yitro purposely proposed it this way to counter and subdue אף משחית חמה עון - which share the same acrostic of  אמח״ע - Furthermore Yitro advances that each of these four classes of judges had to be equipped with a certain qualification to subdue a particular negative force. These are  אנשי חיל - יראי אלהי״ם - אנשי אמת and finally שנאי בצע - If Moshe can find judges of this caliber there will be no fear -asserts Yitro - that any of the four forces can lift their heads opposing Israel during the times Israel comes to get judged.


We can now appreciate what exactly was the nature of the kindness that was done by Yitro for all of the Children of Israel. It should also be obvious why Moshe incorporated the new suggestions into the judicial system of Israel. The suggestion had to follow Yitro's realization that the role of Israel is exceptional in that we are uniquely equipped to counter these forces. This is the reason יתרו came to greet Israel only after he heard how Hashem assisted us in subduing the negative forces.

We can understand that the suggestion had to come via one so knowledgeable of the negative forces or husks. Who other than a former master of the dark forces would be so sensitive to this type of activity? Furthermore we must admit the advice was given only after Yitro was convinced that it was truly possible that the forces of impurity can be subdued by the holy forces of Israel. In this way Israel was and will survive and remain in a state of peace.

Shabbat Shalom!