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Proper Incentives for Learning

By Rabbi Yaakov Bender
It is the practice of many rebbeim to motivate their students through incentives and to reward successful participants in various contests (...

Positive Reinforcement

By Rabbi Yaakov Bender
I teach a mainstream class in an elementary girls’ school. As could be expected, I encounter several students each year who need extra...

Masks in Education

By Rabbi Dov Brezak
In addition to recognizing the tremendous trials our children are faced with in our time, we must take into account the differences in indiv...

Chinuch with Turbulent Times

By Rabbi Dov Brezak
As many teachers may know, we are currently living in a very challenging time when it comes to connecting with our students. There are many ...

Attention Teachers: Don't Just Teach, Connect

By Rabbi Yosef Churba
As an experienced teacher myself, I can truly say that the art of teaching is not limited to the del...

Hinuch in the Torah

By Jack E. Rahmey
Education is an extremely important concept that is discussed in great detail throughout our Tanakh....