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Ask a Therapist: Our Child is Stealing, What Should We Do?

By Frum Therapist
Dear Therapist: Our 11-year-old son has been stealing things from his friends in school. We keep finding things in his room that we know ...

Why “Thank You” Is Not Enough

By Rabbi Meyer Laniado
How can we instill genuine gratitude in our children? We teach them to say “thank you,” but this often remains as a superficial ...

Do I Apologize to my Child?

By Frum Therapist
By: Sara Teichman This question was a no-brainer to our grandparents and perhaps our parents as well. Parents were thought to be always i...

Teasing Isn't Funny

By Frum Therapist
By Sara Teichman, PsyD Dear Dr. T., My eleven year old worries me because he seems so overly sensitive to teasing that he actuall...

A Parenting Mishna

By Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
I recently received this request: “I would like to read your thoughts on ase lech...

School Rules

By Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
Who rules your child? Who decides what she is going to do and what she is not going to do? Do you as...

Peer Pressure in Adolescents

By Frum Therapist
Dear Therapist: I am very concerned about the group of friends that my 14-year-old son has chosen...

How to Raise Healthy Eaters According to @HolyKale

By Frieda Schweky
Got picky eaters? Paulina Ashkenazi of Holy Kale is a young mother and has lots of thoughts on how t...

The Making of a Model

By Frum Therapist
Healthy parents want their children to surpass them.  Biologically we are primed to take this e...

Bag of Tricks

By Frum Therapist
By Sara Teichman, Psy.D. Are your children basically good kids who happen to drive you crazy when...

Why Children Misbehave

By Frum Therapist
Do you find yourself embarrassed sometimes by your children’s behavior? Have you managed, by d...

Emotional Safety: Does Your Nanny Have What It Takes?

By Frum Therapist
Many of our young children are being cared for by nannies. Whether you’re a homemaker or a wor...

Boredom or ADHD

By Frum Therapist
Dear Therapist: My 10-year-old son constantly needs to be entertained. He is never able to just s...

Analyze Whom?

By Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
Kids are not the ones who necessarily need to sit down with a therapist.  When parents gain the...

A Hidden Source

By Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
We assume that there is a mitzvah to raise children to become bnei and bnos Torah, a mitzvah of chin...

Better Than Your Parents?

By Frum Therapist
By Esther Goldstein The line is thin. The line of appreciating your parents for who they ...


By Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
You have no reason to be disappointed. I hope you have never said that to your child. Even if ...

Single Parent Stresses

By Frum Therapist
Question: I am a thirty five year old woman, recently divorced. All the Rabbonim who I consulted ...

Extract the Accurate

By Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
Siblings are acutely aware of one another’s achievements.  They tend to be more vocal whe...