Passion and Patience

Success has requirements. I believe the two most important to be: passion and patience. Passion allows us to keep going, in spite of the inevitable distractions and disappointments, while patience allows us to confidently wait for the results of our efforts to arrive.  Neither of these qualities can be affected, as one's pretense would be summarily exposed when confronted with the vicissitudes of life.  Every endeavor comes with obstacles and challenges, which may appear great or small, relative to the degree of our exuberance.  As passion grows, obstacles shrink. And as passion shrinks, obstacles tend to grow in size and number.  Patience makes it possible for viable intentions and exploitations to go full-term without threat of premature termination. This virtue lacking, even great ideas rarely make it past conception. 

No doubt, intellect and talent play major roles in the making of success. However, these gifts, freely bestowed upon us, remain immature and ingloriously languish, unless fostered by passion and patience.  We are given a potential, but we must unfold it. And to do so, we must have reason. Without purpose to drive us forward, it is within our nature to pause, leaving our natural resources untapped and our dreams unrealized. Those with less natural ability, but more purpose and meaning, oftentimes go further than their more gifted, but less motivated counterparts. 

Without enthusiasm, life is hard and a good life is harder.  Goals can be fantasized, but achieving them takes real effort. Today's mood is a fickle fan of yesterday's dream - it doesn't always live up to the commitment, especially when the challenge is formidable and the demands become tangible.  Passion helps us endure the ugly and painful parts of high achievement. Patience teaches us that once we do our part by setting the right cause in motion, it is nature that determines how and when the effect will appear. 

We must live our lives with ardor and avidity - for life is filled only with suffering, until purpose gives it meaning - just as the intense pains of labor are filled only with resentment, until new life breathes forgiveness. Unwrap and unfold your potential. Discover how you were made and for what unique purpose you exist.  Cherish your individuality. This is where you will find your passion. Remain impervious to destructive criticism.  Do not be lured into the "Procrustean bed", where you will be made to fit into a world that feels threatened by even the slightest exhibit of singularity.  Acknowledge life's boundaries and abide by nature's laws - they are eternal and immutable. They work in their own way and in their own time, unaffected by our petitions and commands. They are faithful, impartial and predictable. Obey them. Trust them. This is where you will find your patience. 

Luck, too, makes an appearance in a successful life. But if luck falls upon an undisciplined recipient, it usually goes unappreciated, if at all recognized.  It is passion and patience that keep us focused, disciplined and disposed to serendipity. You are a genius. Let no one convince you otherwise. Honor yourself and you will find your passion - the passion that will unleash your genius. Honor nature and you will find your patience - the patience needed to discover and nurture your genius. Good luck in all your endeavors.  Master what interests you by learning all you can in your chosen field of expertise. But don't stop there. Find your purpose.  Find your meaning. Find your passion. Find your patience. 


As a natural health consultant for over 25 years Mark Houllif has been teaching the scientific principles of health promotion. The goal is to guide the individual back to health using natural and nutritonal methods. By removing the causes of disease and establishing conditions of health we allow the body to most powerfully manifest its natural healing tendencies.