Parasha Perspective

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Perashat Ki Tavo & Tzedakah

By Jack E. Rahmey KiTavo
This week’s Parasha opens with Moshe teaching us an important lesson through his words regardi...

Perashat Ki Teitzei & Our Yetzer Hara

By Jack E. Rahmey KiTeitzei
This week’s Perashah starts off with the Pasuk Ki tesse’ la’milhamh...

Perashat Shoftim & the Concept of Justice

By Jack E. Rahmey Shoftim
The first Pasuk in Shof’tim begins with these words: "Shof’tim ve shot’r...

Perashat Devarim: Who are We to Judge?

By Jack E. Rahmey Devarim
This Parasha begins the last of the five books of Moshe, which make up our Chumash. In this Parasha,...

Perashat Metzora & Shabbat Hagadol

By Jack E. Rahmey Metzora
In last weeks parashah, we discussed the penalty of tzaraat that comes for speaking lashon hara...

Perashat Shemini & Kashrut

By Jack E. Rahmey Shemini
This week’s Parasha is Shemini, and it includes some of the most intriguing commandments we ha...

Perashat Vayakhel & Pekudeh: the Importance of Shabbat

By Jack E. Rahmey Vayakhel
In last weeks parasha, Hashem spoke to B'nei Yisrael about the importance of Shabbat prior to th...

Perashat Ki Tisa & the Golden Calf

By Jack E. Rahmey KiTisa
The parasha begins as Hashem tells Moshe to take a census of B'nei Yisrael. Hashem says to Moshe...

Perashat Terumah: Giving for the Right Reasons

By Jack E. Rahmey Terumah
In last week’s Parasha we discussed many of the commandments between man and man; that is...

Perashat Mishpatim & the Laws between Man and Man

By Jack E. Rahmey Mishpatim
At the end of last week’s Parasha, Am Yisrael receives the Holy Torah on Har Sinai. Immediatel...

Perashat Yitro: Finding the True Path

By Jack E. Rahmey Yitro
This week’s Perashah is named after the father-in-law of Moshe Rabenu, Yitro (Jethro), a high ...

Perashat Beshalach & Emunah

By Jack E. Rahmey Beshalach
At the end of last week’s Parasha, after Pharaoh reluctantly sent B'nai Yisrael from Egypt...

Perashat Bo & Hashem's Signs

By Jack E. Rahmey Bo
In this week’s Parasha we will encounter the last of the ten plagues that Hashem brought upon ...

Perashat Va'eira: Reaching Our Potential

By Jack E. Rahmey Vaeira
At the end of last week’s Parasha, Pharaoh, in retaliation for Moshe's request to free B&#...