Weekly Perasha
- How Hashem Refuted the Arguments of Those Who Oppo
- The Reward Bestowed Upon Those Who Led the Jewish
- What the Purpose Was in Strengthening the Heart of
- Why the fish died during the plague of blood
- Why Yitzchok and Yaakov Wanted Their Children to K
- The Lesson We Learn from The Brothers' Embarrassme
- The Dispute Between Yosef and his Brothers Regardi
- What Caused Yaakov to Start Observing Shabbos
- Understanding The Seemingly Bizarre Conversation B
- How Yitzchak’s Blindness Was the Cause of Him Wa
- Hashem Does Indeed Complete the Years of The Right
- Why Lot’s Wife Was Specifically Punished by Turn
- Hashem Will Bless Those Who Bless Us
- Why Only Angel Gavriel Considered Avraham Worthy o
- The Unique Benefit That the Jewish People Acquire
- To Whom Do We Show Gratitude When Bringing Bikkuri
- From Where We Learn That Every Mitzvah, Whether Bi
- Why Shaul Should Not Have Remained Silent in The F
- The Forbidden Ritual of Setting the Table for Gad
- The Precautions the Sages Took in Order to Protect
- What Yeshayah and Yermiah Learned from Moshe Rabai
- Why the Jews Left Egypt Only After the Egyptians B
- Dual Reward That Pinchas Received for The Two Good
- When Hashem Bestows Good Upon the Jewish People He
- Hashem Loves the Jews And Sustains That Which Belo
- What It Was That Korach Wanted to Prove from The M
- Hashem’s Willingness to Forgo His Honor Out of L
- How Moshe’s Utmost Humbleness Counteracts Miriam
- The Benefit That One Derives from Observing Hashem
- The Protection Accorded To Those Who Learn Torah
- How The Descendants Of Eisav Were Able To Defeat
- Proper Rebuke Is Intended to Bring Out Love betwee
- What the Peddler Taught R’ Yannai in Regards to
- Why the responsibility of checking the tzaraas was
- Why Nadav And Avihu Did Not Merit to Bear Childre
- The Eternal Flame of the G-dly Spark
- Why it was specifically the Priestly Offerings tha
- Anyone Who Sins, Whether an Individual or an Entir
- The Protection That the Observance of Shabbos Prov
- How Hashem's Promise to Give the Land to The Jewis
- Why Moshe Was Unable to Understand Certain Element
- The Three Distinct Manners in Which the Jewish Peo
- The Severity of Stealing Even a Most Minimal Sum
- Why the Women Deserved To Receive the Torah Before
- Why the Jews May Have Willingly Returned to Be En
- What It Was That the Prophet Rebuked Yaakov About
- How Yosef’s Master Succeeded to Tap into Yosefâ
- Two claims presented by the angel to Yaakov to be
- The Two Visions That Yaakov Saw in His Dream After
- Why the Miracle That Assisted Yaakov To Quickly Fi
- The Righteousness of Avraham’s Servant, Eliezer
- What Brought the People of Sodom to Resist Guests
- Why Avraham Felt It Fitting To Pitch Sara’s Tent
- The Angels Themselves Realize That the Jewish Peop
- The Unique Benefit That the Jewish People Acquire
- To Whom Do We Show Gratitude When Bringing Bikkur
- An Ammonite or Moavite shall not enter the congreg