Weekly Perasha
- Why Will These Three Cities of Refuge Be Necessary
- Give Tzedakah Sincerely to Avoid Reincarnating int
- At Har Sinai HKB”H Showed Every Jew How to Trans
- Two Incredible Chiddushim from the Kedushas Levi
- To Survive the Galuyos We Must Emulate the Simple
- The Neshamos of Nadav and Avihu Achieved Tikun by
- The Assault of Balak and Bilam against the Two Nam
- An Illuminating Explanation from the Chasam Sofer
- The Valuable Lesson to Be Learned from Korach and
- “Be holy to your G-d” The Segulah of Sanctify
- “Your contribution is greater than theirs”
- The Fifteen Words and Sixty Letters of Birkas Koha
- The 42 Interpretations of "תלכו בחוקותי
- The Remez of "אש תבערו לא "Admonished Rab
- One Must Be from the Sons of Aharon to Influence R
- Rashbi’s Entourage Were Elated with Parshas Kedo
- Nadav and Avihu Merited Death by Divine Kiss becau
- Shabbas Was Given on the Seventh Day to Improve Na
- The Ideal Way to Serve HKB"H is "זה"-- to Please
- Nighttime Torah-Study Protects a Person while Asle
- The Mishkan Erected by Moshe Rabeinu Was Stored un
- The Magnificent Rationale for Having Aharon Carry
- The Middle Bar in the Mishkan Was the Staff of Yaa
- Everything that Hashem has said, “na’aseh v’
- The Incredible Synergism of Women Lighting the Sha
- A Remarkable Revelation from the Divine Kabbalist
- “And it will eat all the grass of the land that
- Eighteen Berachos Were Instituted in Shemoneh Esre
- An Unbelievable Revelation from the Chiddushei HaR
- When Standing by the Mezuzah We Should Do as the S
- Eisav’s Guardian Angel Wanted to Change Yaakov
- Yaakov Avinu Swore to Serve Hashem with Two Yuds
- Yaakov Avinu Possessed the Power to Abolish the U
- Eliezer Learned from Avraham Avinu the Vital Lesso
- I Will Surely Return to You at This Time Next Year
- Self-Assessment in Times of Extreme Jewish Calamit
- The Torah Reading on “Shabbas Bereishis” Begin
- On Shabbas Kodesh when Yisrael Carry the Throne of
- You Are All Standing Today before Hashem Your G-d
- May the Year End along with Its Curses
- During the Month of Elul HKB”H Resembles a King
- We Station Judges and Guards at Our Entryways to P
- The Mensch of Malden Mills or The Greatest Kiddush
- In the Merit of the Mitzvah of the Four Fringes of
- By Lighting the Menorah Aharon HaKohen Was Tasked
- Delighting in the Amazing Revelation of Rav Amram
- The Three Letters ל"דג Provided an Amazing Tiku
- The Amazing Connection between the Peace that Exis
- There Are 129 Days from Lag BaOmer until Rosh HaSh
- The Immense Joy Experienced by the Holy Entourage
- Skin Afflictions Result from a Failure to Enjoy To
- Hakadosh Baruch Hu Rested His Shechinah on the Mis
- The Shabbas-Observance of Hakadosh Baruch Hu
- The Secret to How the Ba’al Shem Tov Derived omp
- Betzalel Perceived the Inner Thoughts
- The Parah Adumah Atoned for the Cheit HaEigel Emph
- The Amazing Connection between Shabbas Shekalim an
- Yitro: Hashem Is Destined to Erect the Third Beis
- Va'eira: The Geulah from Mitzrayim
- Shemot: “And the Land Became Filled with Them”
- Vayechi: Yaakov Was Surprised
- Miketz: The First Seven Days of Chanukah
- Vayeshev & Chanukah: An Explanation of the Insight
- Vayishlach: Yaakov Avinu Had to Walk a Narrow Line
- Vayetze: Yaakov Avinu Peeled Rods
- Toledot: HKB”H Arranged for Yaakov Avinu to Rece
- Chayei Sarah: The Crowd Dozed Off while Rabbi Akiv
- Vayeira: Sarah Imeinu Foresaw Prophetically
- Lech-Lecha: The Three-Ply Phenomenon
- Noach: A Fascinating Allusion
- Bereshit: Hevel Was Condemned to Death for Gazing
- Ki Tavo: The Wonderful Connection between Parshas
- Ki Teitzei: Yaakov Avinu Secretly Left the Kedusha
- Shoftim: The Amazing Connection
- Re'eh - The Fascinating Connection between the Mon
- Ekev - Reciting Birkat HaMazon Is a Segulah for Ma
- Va'etchanan - The Burning Desire of Moshe Rabeinu
- On the Seder Night We Must Also Thank Hashem for t
- The Miracle of Purim Involved Hanging the Wicked H
- Aharon HaKohen Prepared for the Miracle of Chanuka
- This Chag HaSuccos, the Time of Our Rejoicing
- A Novel Interpretation regarding the Atonement Aff
- HKB”H Aroused Yisrael at Har Sinai from Their Sp
- Mitigating the Force of “Din” with “Yachasz
- A Wonderful Insight from the Arizal
- Rosh Hashanah: “Inscribe us in the Book of Life