Mindful Eating

Think for a minute about all of the times you are rushing your meals throughout the day.

Whether it be cramming a quick breakfast in the morning or eating the most easily available (and most unhealthy) lunch at your desk. A lot of the time we eat our food and can be so focused on something else like being on the phone, writing an email, and even spacing out thinking about the conversation we just had with someone, that we don't realize the amount of food we've eaten! 

If you have this problem, don't worry.  You are not alone. Mindful eating is about being in the present and focusing on what you are doing at the given moment. We all find ourselves in situations where we are physically present but not mentally focused. 

Whether it's a meeting, a school class, or out for coffee with a friend, we tend to be physically present but our minds are thinking about future events. For example, in the early afternoon we think about what we are going to eat for dinner, or late at night we think about what we should wear to work the next day.

Being present and focusing your energy on what is going on "in the moment" has many benefits for your well being beyond food itself. Being present can help strengthen your social skills and relieve stress. If you are in the present you won't be worrying about all of your future responsibilities. Lastly, it will allow you to be more mentally flexible which will in turn help you be confident in your decisions and try new things.

Finally, learning how to be mindful when you eat is so important. When we are not mindful when we eat, we tend to just shovel our food down and not chew. Chewing is the first step to digestion, and when we don't chew our food we experience bloating, indigestion, and stomach aches. When we aren't mindful then usually eat more because we aren't paying attention to how our body feels and if our bodies are full.

Food is so powerful because whatever you put in your body is either causing or killing diseases. You can create a mindful and healthy eating experience by practicing things like sitting at a table, not checking your phone constantly, smelling the food before you eat it, actually looking at your plate of food and see what kind of colors are on your plate, etc.

These tips should help you be more mindful when your eating and even get you to eat healthier because you will analyze and think about the food  you are putting on your plate!

Frances is an amazing health and lifestyle coach whose main goal is to help our community get physically and mentally stronger with every mindful choice we make.