Zera Shimshon - Rabbi Shimshon Chaim ben Rabbi Nachman Michal Nachmani, was a Rabbi of four large communities throughout Italy and in his end of life in the city Reggio Emilia. Rabbi Shimshon Chaim 'Niftar' in the year 1779 in the city Reggio in Itlay. During his funeral, there were many words of praise, not just in his erudition of Torah, but on his love for the Jewish people. The communities in Italy and abroad considered Rabbi Shimshon Chaim their Rebby. Major Rabbis in his generation, wrote amazing things in his honor and wisdom. Including One of the outstanding rabbis figures the 'Hida' (Rabbi Haim Yosef David Azulai ben Rabbi Rephael Yitzhak Zerachia) had testify on Rabbi Shimshon Chaim praise in 'Kedushah' and wisdom and also knowledge in studying 'Kabala' and practical 'Kabala'. Rabbi Shimshon Chaim lived in 'Or ha-Ḥayyim' 'Hakadosh' (Rabbi Chaim ben Atar ben Rabbi Moshe) era, and was in friendship with him. Rabbi Shimshon Chaim had only one child, a son, who died at a young age. Upon this Rabbi Shimshon Chaim decided to dedicate his 'Sefarim' to the memory of this child who had no continuity of a family. In the beginning of his book Rabbi Shimshon Chaim wrote that he need to leave some memory in this world because he has no continuity. And that’s why he wrote the book and named it: "Zera Shimshon", means the Seed of Shimshon. Rabbi Shimshon Chaim publish the book one year before he died. Rabbi Shimshon Chaim placed a lot of his energy, during his lifetime that people should learn from his ''Sefarim''. Rabbi Shimshon Chaim also emphasized, that after his 'Neshama', will leave this world that people should continue to learn from his ''Sefarim''. What is most unusual for a Tzadik of this stature, was that he made a promise. That promise is that anyone that takes upon himself to learn from his writing, he promises "children, praise, health, 'Parnasa', wealth, honor".