Chapter 7: Donning Tefillin at Home Before Going to the Synagogue
1) The Zohar emphasizes the importance of leaving one’s home to the synagogue adorned with tallit and tefillin. It is therefore proper to put on the tallit and tefillin at home and then go to the synagogue while wearing the tallit and tefillin.[13]
a. As one walks outside while wearing tefillin, he should ensure to keep the tefillin covered — such as with a hat and jacket — in case he unknowingly passes through areas with exposed sewage and the like.[14]
b. While walking outside with tefillin it is proper to cover even the strap wrapped on one’s arm and finger.[15]
2) If one cannot don tefillin at home before going to the synagogue, then, if possible, he should do so in the entrance to the synagogue and then enter the sanctuary wearing tefillin. This applies in the following cases:
a. One left his tallit and tefillin in the synagogue[16];
b. He leaves his home before the earliest time for tefillin[17];
c. He suspects that he will be unable to keep his mind focused on his tefillin on the way to the synagogue[18];
d. He must pass by exposed sewage or other unclean areas on the way to the synagogue.[19]
e. He fears being seen in his tefillin by gentiles in the street.[20]
3) Donning tefillin at home takes precedence over the mitzvah of being among the first ten men in the synagogue. Thus, even if donning tefillin at home would cause one to arrive in the synagogue after the first ten men, he should nevertheless lay tefillin at home and make an effort to be among the first ten in attendance at minhah and arvit.[21]
- 13 - שו"ע כה:ב
- 14 - כה"ח שם אות כא
- 15 - כה"ח מג:כב
- 16 - כה"ח כה:ב
- 17 - משנ"ב שם
- 18כה"ח שם
- 19 - שם
- 20 - משנ"ב כה:ב
- 21 - כה"ח שם