Halachot of Tefillin

Chapter 25: Wrapping the Strap of the Shel Yad Around the Middle Finger

1) It is customary after donning the tefillin shel rosh to wrap the strap of the shel yad three times around one’s middle finger, while standing. The first wrap circuit is made around the middle part of the finger, while the second and third wrap circuits are made on the lower part of the finger, near where the finger attaches to the hand.

Some have the custom to recite the following two verses from the Book of Hoshea (2:21-22) while making these wrap circuits:

.'וארשתיך לי לעולם. וארשתיךלי בצדק ובמשפט ובחסד ורחמים. וארשתיך לי באמונה וידעת את ה “I shall betroth you to Me forever, and I shall betroth you to Me with righteousness, justice, kindness and compassion. I shall betroth you to Me with faith, and you shall know that I am Hashem.”[136]

2) If one’s middle finger has been severed or injured, these three wrap circuits are made around the pointer. If the middle finger is bandaged, these wrapcircuits are made over the bandage.[137]

3) One should preferably keep the tefillin shel yad covered. Therefore, after one completes wrapping the strap around the middle finger, he should pull his shirt sleeve over the shel yad to cover it.[138]

4) The communities of Aram Soba follow the custom to recite the verse, וראו כל עמי הארץ כי שם ה' נקרא עליך ויראו ממך (Devarim 28:10) after laying tefillin, while straightening the straps of the shel rosh.[139]




  • 136 - משנ"ב כז:ח, כה:ח שם, ובא"ח פרי' וירא, טז. ובילקוט יוסף הביא שיטות הסוברים שאין לומר וארשתיך.
  • 137 - ילקוט יוסף
  • 138 - רמ"א ומשנ"ב כז:יא 
  • 139 - ספר דרך אר"ץ (דרך ארם צובא)