Halachot of Tefillin

Chapter 29: The Procedure for Removing One’s Tefillin

1) The Torah introduces the obligation of tefillin by speaking first of the tefillin shel yad, and then mentioning the tefillin shel rosh, in the plural form (והיו לטוטפות בין עיניך). The plural form used in the context of the shel rosh indicates that it is never worn alone; it is worn only while the shel yad is worn. Hence, one must ensure to remove the shel rosh before removing the shel yad.[165]

2) The halachic rule of כהנחתן כך חליצתן establishes that one must remove tefillin in the same manner in which they are placed. Accordingly, one should remove the tefillin shel rosh while standing, and then remove the tefillin shel yad while sitting. [166]

3) When one removes his tefillin, he should first undo the three wrap cirucuits around his finger, and then remove the tefillin shel rosh while standing.[167]

a. Some have the practice to also undo two or three of the wrap cirucuits around the arm before removing the tefillin shel rosh.[168] This is the practice followed in the communities of Aram Soba.

b. There is a מנהג חכמים (custom observed by Torah scholars) to remove the tefillin shel rosh specifically with the left, weaker hand, to demonstrate that one removes the tefillin slowly and ambivalently, rather than hastily. According to this custom, a left-handed person removes his shel rosh with his right hand. (One also removes his tallit while standing and with his weaker hand.)[169]

4) Some have the practice to kiss the tefillin before and after removing them.[170]

5) If one cannot roll the straps of the tefillin immediately, such as on Rosh Hodesh when one removes his tefillin immediately before musaf, or if one must use the restroom right after he removed his tefillin, he must ensure to leave the tefillin lying flat. He may not leave it upside-down, with the ma’abarta (section of the tefillin through which the straps pass) facing upward.[171]

6) One may not wrap the straps directly on the bayit of the tefillin, unless the bayit is in a plastic case, because the halachic sanctity of the bayit exceeds that of the straps.

Some have the practice of wrapping the straps in the form of wings.[172]

7) One should not wrap the tefillin by holding the straps in place and rotating the box of the tefillin, as this is disrespectful to the tefillin; one should hold the box of the tefillin in place and rotate the straps around it.[173]

8) One should preferably wrap his tefillin straps by himself, rather than allow somebody else to do so, in order to demonstrate his love and affection for the mitzvah.[174]


  • 165 - שו"ע כח:ב
  • 166 - משנ"ב שם
  • 167 - שו"ע כח:ב משנ"ב שם
  • 168 - כה"ח שם
  • 169 - משנ"ב וכה"ח שם
  • 170 - שו"ע כח:ג
  • 171 - כה"ח שם
  • 172 - משנ"ב כח:ג עפ"י המעשה של אלישע בעל כנפיים מובא במס' שבת מט:.
  • 173 - שם
  • 174 - כה"ח שם. ועיין שם כט:א שנכון לומר בזמן חליצת התפילין את הפסוק "והיה אם שמוע תשמע לקול ה' אלוקיך . . ." (שמות טו:כו).