Halachot of Tefillin

Chapter 28: Keeping One’s Attention Focused on the Tefillin

1) It is forbidden to allow one’s attention to be distracted from the tefillin while wearing them, by engaging in frivolity, laughter and the like. There is a special mitzvah to keep one’s mind focused on his tefillin throughout the entire time he wears them, and refrain from idle talk and inappropriate thoughts. To this end, it is proper to touch one’s tefillin occasionally when he wears them at times other than during prayer and Torah study, in order to keep his mind focused on them. During prayer and Torah study, however, one is not required to focus his attention on his tefillin, as concentrating on Torah and prayer suffices to fulfill the requirement to keep one’s mind focused while wearing tefillin.[160]

a. When one feels his tefillin for this purpose, he should first touch the shel yad.[161]

b. When one recites the words וקשרתם לאות על ידיך in the first paragraph of Shema, and when he recites the words וקשרתם אותם לאות על ידכם in the second paragraph of Shema, he should touch his tefillin shel yad. Likewise, when he recites the words והיו לטוטפות בין עינך and והיו לטוטפות בין עינכם he should touch his tefillin shel rosh.[162]

c. If while touching his tefillin one notices that both the shel yad and the shel rosh have slipped from their proper places, he should first return the shel yad to its place, and then the shel rosh.[163]

d. One must ensure to refrain from idle talk while wearing tefillin.[164]


  • 160 - שו"ע, משנ"ב וכה"ח כח:א
  • 161שו"ע שם
  • 162 - שו"ע שם
  • 163 - משנ"ב וכה"ח שם
  • 164 - כה"ח כח:א