The Halachot and History of the Three Weeks

Chapter 19: Prohibition of Bathing and Swimming

1. a. During the week in which Tishah B’Av occurs bathing in hot water is prohibited.

2. a. One who is dirty or perspired may take a shower and is allowed to mix a little warm water with the cold to remove the chill.

b. If the dirt cannot be removed except with hot water he is permitted to use it.

3. Deodorant is permitted.

4. It is customary not to swim for pleasure during this period.

5. Swimming for medical reasons is permitted, however, a Rabbi should be consulted.

6. Bathing for the purpose of a mitzvah is permitted — even in hot water. This applies to a woman who must bathe before going to the mikvah — she prepares as usual.

7. Men who have the custom to immerse in a mikvah may do so in cold water unless it is too difficult for him, in which case he may immerse in hot water.