The Halachot and History of the Three Weeks

Chapter 38: Tishah B’Av Morning

1. a. Upon awakening one washes one’s hands until the joints at the end of one’s fingers (three times each hand). One’s damp fingers may also be passed over their eyes. The berachah על נטילת ידים is then recited, as usual. 

b. We omit שעשה לי כל צרכי because it also refers to wearing shoes, which is prohibited on Tishah B’Av.

2. a. Tallit and Tefillin are not worn at Shaharit

b. Some people have the custom to put on Tallit and Tefillin at home and say קדש לי and פרשת שמע  and then go to synagogue. Others have the custom to put on Tallit and Tefillin at home and pray everything (through Shemoneh Esrei) and then go to synagogue for קריאת התורה and Kinot.

c. One who wears Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin puts them on in the morning at home.

3. עננו is recited but not נחם.

4. After the Amidah, Kinot are said. The Kinot express our mourning over the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash and Jerusalem. One should try to keep in mind that not only are we mourning, but even Hashem and the angels cry over the Hurban as well as the Avot. One should remember that all the major tragedies that have occurred to Klal Yisrael are because we no longer have the Bet HaMikdash. Hazal tell us that one who properly mourns over the destruction of Jerusalem will merit to see Jerusalem in its rejoicing.