The Halachot and History of the Three Weeks

Chapter 42: When Tishah B’Av Falls on Sunday

1. When Tishah B’Av occurs on Sunday and erev Tishah B’Av is on Shabbat, or if Tishah B’Av occurs on Shabbat and is postponed to Sunday there is no mourning on Shabbat. 

2. a. Eating meat and drinking wine are permitted even for Seudat Shelishit, but eating must end before sunset.

b. One may be lenient on Shabbat regarding Torah learning that he does not have to restrict himself to only those portions permitted on Tishah B’Av.

c. We do not engage in pleasurable activities on Shabbat when Tishah B’Av has been pushed off until Sunday

d. When Tishah B’Av occurs on Sunday it is permitted to engage in pleasurable activities on Shabbat until hatzot, just like any other year.

3. On Motzaei Shabbat, Havdalah is not recited, only the berachah of בורא מאורי האש. After the fast Havdalah is recited over the cup of wine but the berahah for בשמים is not said over the spices. Before doing work men or women must say ברוך המבדיל בין קדש לחול.

4. Shoes are not removed until after Tzait Ha’Kochavim, when the stars appear. We say ברוך המבדיל בין קדש לחול and change into weekday clothing.

5. a. A person who is ill must make Havdalah before eating.

b. Havdalah should be recited over beer. If beer is not available, it can be recited over wine. When using wine, it is preferable that a child, who does not yet understand the significance of mourning, (however, he should be over the age of six) drink the wine. (He may drink it himself if there is no small child available.)

c. A person who is making Havdalah on Motzaei Shabbat could be motzee his family members who are fasting.

6. Sunday night before eating, one must recite Havdalah beforehand.

a. Havdalah is recited over wine. 

b. בורא מאורי האש and the berahah for בשמים  is not said.