The Halachot and History of the Three Weeks

Chapter 20: Prohibitions of Haircutting and Shaving

1. a. Haircutting and shaving are not permitted in the week in which Tishah B’Av occurs — both for adults and children (even below age six). Combing hair however, is permitted. 

b. Trimming a mustache is permitted if it interferes with one’s eating — except on Tishah B’Av.

d. Women may be lenient about haircutting. 

2. When Tishah B’Av falls on Sunday, one should preferably not shave after Thursday, so that he will enter the fast not appearing freshly shaved.

3. a. Cutting nails during the week in which Tishah B’Av occurs is prohibited, unless they are too long (above the skin line).

b. A woman before going to the mikvah is permitted to cut her nails.